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Real time measurements of the secondary organic aerosol formation and aging from ambient air using an oxidation flow reactor in seoul during winter

Real time measurements of the secondary organic aerosol formation and aging from ambient air using an oxidation flow reactor in seoul during winter


Yoojin Park, Hwajin Kim

저널 정보

Environmental Pollution




Herein, the formation and aging processes of organic aerosol (OA) in urban Seoul, Korea, during winter were investigated using a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) and an oxidation flow reactor (OFR). The results demonstrated that the highest secondary OA (SOA) production (ΔOA = 3.44 μg m−3 with a relative OA enhancement ratio (EROA) = 1.40) occurred at ∼2 eq. days of OH exposure. Particularly, higher SOA production was observed under the following atmospheric conditions: high relative humidity (RH) (>70%) and high PM1 mass concentration (>50 μg m−3), demonstrating that oxidation capacity, heterogeneous and aqueous phase reactions are important for further oxidation. Additionally, increased SOA formation occurs under both higher hydrocarbon-like OA and more oxidized OOA conditions. Further oxidation of both freshly emitted and aged and/or transported OA can be a remarkable further source of SOA in winter in Seoul and further downwind areas. In particular, the high mass concentration of MO-OOA in high total PM1 would be an important indication that SOA formation could be accelerated by a heterogeneous reaction, necessitating additional investigations on the haze formation process.